নাগরিক সেবা

TM Assets Ltd

TM Assets Ltd is one the faster growing and excellence Real estate company in Bangladesh. It has been developed different types of project. Its main goal is design and develop sustainable structure for humanity. It was started journey in 2014 and became the meber of  REHAB in 2016. Its Membership No. : 1479/2016

Features of TM Assets Ltd

  • Skilled Designer and Enginner
  • Qualuty raw materials
  • World class design.


Contact of TM Assets Ltd

Office address of the TM Assets as follows:

Jabbar Tower (17th Floor), 42 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan Circle – 1, Dhaka – 1212.

You can contact to know more details about TM Assets :

+8801701-696813, +8801701-696814, +8801701-696815, +8801701-696816, +8801701-696817

Project of TM Assets Ltd

TM Assets has been develop bellows property to meet the growing deamand 

  1. Apartment
  2. Flat
  3. Residentail Building 
  4. Commercial Space
  5. Shop

Title TM Assets Ltd
Address Jabbar Tower (17th Floor), 42 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan Circle-1, Dhaka
Phone 8801701696811
Fax 8801701696812
Mobail 8801701696810
Email [email protected]
Post Code 1212
Reg Code
Swift Code
Establishment Year 2014
Category Private
Sector Builder
Service Type Real estate
Area Gulshan 1
Upazila/Thana Gulshan
Division Dhaka
District Dhaka
Country Bangladesh
Membership REHAB
Legal Status Private

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  Ratting: 3.23
  13 Reviewers
TM Assets Ltd

TM Assets Ltd

Contact Info

Jabbar Tower (17th Floor), 42 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan Circle-1, Dhaka
[email protected]

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